Saturday, September 7, 2013


Tujuh kalimat yang harus dbiasakan oleh seorang hamba Allah. 1. بِــــــــــسْمِ الَّلهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـمBismillahirrohmanirrohiim...Setiap hendak melakukan sesuatu. 2. اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْـعَالَمِيْـنAlhamdulillahirobbil'alamiin...Setiap habis melakukan sesuatu. 3. اَسْتَغْفِرُاللَهَ الْعَظِيْمِAstagfirullahal'adziim...Jika melakukan sesuatu yang buruk. 4. اِنْشَاءَ اللَّهInsyaa'allah...Jika ingin melakukan sesuatu pada masa yang akan datang. 5. لاَحَوْلَ وَلاَقُوَّةَاِلاَّبِاللَّهLaahawlawalaaquwwataillabiillah...Bila tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu yang agak berat/melihat hal yang buruk. 6. اِنَّالِلَه وَاِنَّااِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْنَInnalillahiwaainnaailayhirooji'un...Jika melihat/menghadapi musibah. 7. لاَاِلَهَ اِلاَّاللَه مُحَمَّدَالرَّسُوْلُ اللَهLaailahailaallah muhammadarrosuwlullah...Bacalah siang dan malam sebanyak-banyaknya.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Petua Murah Rezeki & Dijauhi Kesulitan..1

Abu Yazid Al Busthami, pelopor sufi, pada suatu hari pernah didatangi seorang lelaki yang wajahnya kusam dan keningnya selalu berkerut. Dengan murung lelaki itu mengadu,"Tuan Guru, sepanjang hidup saya, rasanya tak pernah lepas saya beribadah kepada Allah. Orang lain sudah lelap, saya masih bermunajat. Isteri saya belum bangun, saya sudah mengaji. Saya juga bukan pemalas yang enggan mencari rezeki. Tetapi mengapa saya selalu malang dan kehidupan saya penuh kesulitan?" Sang Guru menjawab sederhana, "Perbaiki penampilanmu dan rubahlah roman mukamu. Kau tahu, Rasulullah SAW adalah penduduk dunia yang miskin namun wajahnya tak pernah keruh dan selalu ceria. Sebab menurut Rasulullah SAW, salah satu tanda penghuni neraka ialah muka masam yang membuat orang curiga kepadanya." Lelaki itu tertunduk. Dia pun berjanji akan memperbaiki penampilannya. Mulai hari itu, wajahnya senantiasa berseri. Setiap kesedihan diterima dengan sabar, tanpa mengeluh. Alhamdullilah sesudah itu ia tak pernah datang lagi untuk berkeluh kesah. Keserasian selalu dijaga. Sikapnya ramah,wajahnya senantiasa mengulum senyum bersahabat.

Rupa mukanya berseri. Tak heran jika Imam Hasan Al Basri berpendapat, awal keberhasilan suatu pekerjaan adalah roman muka yang ramah dan penuh senyum.Bahkan Rasulullah SAW menegaskan, senyum adalah sedekah paling murah tetapi paling besar pahalanya. Demikian pula seorang suami atau seorang isteri. Alangkah celakanya rumah tangga jika suami isteri selalu berwajah tegang. Sebab tak ada persoalan yang diselesaikan dengan mudah melalui kekeruhan dan ketegangan. Dalam hati yang tenang, pikiran yang dingin dan wajah cerah, Insya Allah, apapun persoalannya nescaya dapat diatasi. Inilah yang dinamakan keluarga sakinah, yang didalamnya penuh dengan cinta dan kasih sayang....dipetik dr posting my luvly FB fren Norhayyu Zainal..thanks ayu

the secret fact: alkaline water can save our live 1..

Know your body &
back to the
On top of all the prevention
medicines, supplementary foods,
balancing diets and various health
& detoxification therapies, for those
who is willing to look into the
fundamental elements of our own
body will be rewarded with the
secrets to prevent illness &
maintain continuous good health.
Many don’t believe that the one
determining factor responsible for a
remarkable health and longevity life
is simply the amount of water you
drink each day and the quality of the
drinking water.
The human body is 70% water with each
of the 6 trillion cells within is fluidized with
water. Water hydrates and irrigates these
cells and is essential for over 90% of the
biochemical process. Generally, water is
necessary for flushing toxins & waste from
body (detoxification), prevents dehydration
& degeneration of body cells and diseases.
Many studies & researches show that
drinking water that consumed by us daily
might not be having the right properties and
it certainly does not do the same job as
natural & energetic water, generally known
as ‘Dead Water’.
Tap Water
All public-utility water these days is
severely contaminated with toxic metals
and other pollutants, as well as chemical
poisons like chlorine deliberately added to
kill germs. If you drink such water long
enough, it may kill you too. Boiling the tap
water for drinking is no longer a wise &
safe practice in the 21st ‘health concern’
century as this will destroy the water’s
life-giving properties.
Bottled Mineral & RO Water
Bottled or mineral water is not necessarily
the answer. Pure, distilled or reverse
osmosis produced bottled water is actually
harmful for our body because it causes the
leaching of minerals from our body.
Mineral water is better in that sense, but
many studies have shown that many
mineral water bottles contain more
contaminants then tap water! Also, as it's
kept in plastic bottles for long periods,
some of the harmful, carcinogenic
substances in plastic get into the water.
Danger of Drinking Distilled
Many health fanatics, however, are often
surprised to hear that drinking distilled
water on a regular, daily basis is potentially
dangerous. Distilled water is an active
absorber and when it comes into contact
with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making
it acidic. The more distilled water a person
drinks, the higher the body acidity
Your body needs
more than just
‘clean’ water…
As drinking water is at the heart of the
detoxification revolution and healing
therapy, an ideal drinking water should be
far more than merely meeting the WHO
guidelines and other hygiene quality
This is the reason why…
A growing number of health care
practitioners and scientists from around the
world have been advocating the theory that
aging, disease and degenerative conditions
that leads to weaken all body systems is the
direct result of the accumulation of acid
waste products in the body.
Meats, sugar, white flour products, fried
foods, soft drinks, processed foods,
alcohol, dairy products and other junk
foods cause the body to become more
acidic. Stress, whether mental or physical
can lead to acid deposits in the body too.
Secondly, recent research reveals that the
effectiveness of vitamin supplements and
careful diet is effective in the prevention
and control of disease. Much of this
research leads us to the same core principle
:– the prevention of oxidation among
healthy cells by too much active oxygen in
the body that breaks down the cell and
makes it susceptible to infection and
Therefore, the concerned but neglected
criteria in our drinking water shall be the
! pH balancing (measure by pH Level)
! Anti-oxidation (measure by ORP -
Oxygen Reduction Potential Level)
that both contribute greatly to our body
detoxification process & energy level.
pH Balancing &
If any substance changes from pH 7 to pH
8, it has become ten times more alkaline.
Conversely, if it has changes from neutral
pH 7 to pH 6, it is 10 times more acidic.
As an example, a popular Cola, at pH 2.5 is
almost 50,000 times more acidic than
neutral water, and needs 32 glasses of
neutral (pH 7) water to counteract the
consumption of one glass of Cola. (Active
ingredient: Phosphoric Acid)
Blood plasma and other fluids that
surround the body cells have a pH of 7.2 to
7.3 while all organs within the body tend to
neutralise the acidic condition naturally as
if its pH drops from the optimum level pH
7.365 down to pH 7, you will lapse into a
coma and die"
You can now see that a change from the
normal level 7.365 to pH 7 would mean that
your blood would suddenly be around 4
times as acid as it should be. You would die
from poisoning by your own blood. This is
why every body system is used to support
the correct blood pH You can also
understand from this that our blood pH can
be affected at any time of the day by a
myriad of events; food, drink, stress,
pollution, exercise, or beneficially, by
meditation, by drinking alkaline water, by
deep breathing, even by being happy.
Why balancing the pH is so
Simply because our body and blood can not
afford to be acidic while unfortunately we
can create acidic waste within our body
anytime, anyway"
Excess acidity will force the body to
‘borrow’ minerals - including calcium,
sodium, potassium and magnesium - from
vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize)
the acid and to safely remove it from the
body. As a result, the body can suffer severe
and prolonged ‘corrosion’ due to high
acidity – a condition that may go
undetected for years.
This will be resulting to where disease can
easily manifest, as opposed to a
pH-balanced environment which allows for
normal body functions – necessary for the
body to resist disease. It is true that if we
have a healthy body, we will maintain
sufficient alkaline reserves to meet
emergency demands. However when
excess acids must be continually
neutralized, our alkaline reserves are
depleted, leaving the body in a weakened,
disease-prone condition.
Nevertheless, there are still many
practitioners who believe that the body can
somehow ‘naturally’ balance its pH - as if
we were living in nature and eating raw
foods and herbs. The truth is so far beyond
this ideal as we know we have great
chances to generate acidic waste while our
pH balance depends on what is left after the

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Saban hari kite mendengar pelbagai kisah masyarakat Islam yang dilanda cerita-cerita kritis dan tragis. Ianya gambaran dari pergolakan minda,budaya dan perlakuan yang keliru.
Golongan pemimpin-pemimpin yang berada ditempat tertinggi dari pihak pemerintah adalah Melayu begitu jugak dari pihak ang membangkang adalah rata-ratanya Melayu. Kedua-dua golongan memperkatakan tentang ideologi,dasar dan perlaksanaan kuasa lantas tindakan berebut puncak teraju pemerintahan dijadikan medan pergelutan kuasa.
Golongan para ulamak Islam adalah golongan pembahas kitab,manuskrip dan agenda syariah sudah semacam tidak endah lagi atau sudah lepas tangan dengan keadaan masyarakat yang dilanda berbagai senario kejadian tragis yang melanda budaya dan sosial.
Kalau dilihat dari perpekstif menyeluruh institusi tertinggi penyediaan dasar sehingga institusi perlaksanaan jugak di kalangan orang Islam tapi masih tidak berupaya untuk menegakkan satu identiti terhormat pada bangsa Melayu.
Indentiti kita telah hilang dimakan dunia yang sudah semakin tua.